Preliminary list of invited speakers
Section: Limit theorems
Session: Limit theorems in stochastic geometry
Session organizers: Youri Davydov and Mikhail Lifshits
Invited speakers:
David Coupier
Evgeny Spodarev
Dmitry Zaporozhets
Session: Limit Theorems for Spectral Distributions
Session organizer: Friedrich Götze
Invited speakers:
Gennady Chistyakov
Leonid Pastur
Alexander Tikhomirov
Session: Probabilistic number theory
Session organizer: Eugenijus Manstavičius
Invited speakers:
Vilius Stakėnas
Gerald Tenenbaum
Kohji Matsumoto
Session: Random fields
Session organizer: Giovanni Peccati
Invited speakers:
Mark Podolskij
Matthias Reitzner
Igor Wigman
Section: Random processes
Session: Stochastic analysis
Session organizer: Bronius Grigelionis
Invited speakers:
Hans-Jürgen Engelbert
Nakahiro Yoshida
Remigijus Mikulevičius
Session: Long memory
Session organizers: Liudas Giraitis and Donatas Surgailis
Invited speakers:
Jan Beran
Uwe Hassler
Hira L. Koul
Session: Branching processes
Session organizer: Peter Jagers
Invited speakers:
Fima C. Klebaner
Inés M. del Puerto
Uwe Rösler
Session: Rough paths
Session organizer: Rimas Norvaiša
Invited speakers:
Laure Coutin
Peter K. Friz
Vladimir Vovk
Session: Time series
Session organizer: Anne Philippe
Invited speakers:
Christian Francq
Tepmony Sim
Dag Tjøstheim
Section: Statistical inference
Session: Survival analysis and reliability theory
Session organizer: Vilijandas Bagdonavičius
Invited speakers:
Edsel Peña
Torben Martinussen
Håkon K. Gjessing
Session: Survey sampling
Session organizer: Risto Lehtonen
Invited speakers:
Yves Tillé
Giorgio E. Montanari
Maria D. Ugarte
Session: Extreme value theory
Session organizer: Natalia Markovich
Invited speakers:
Natalia Markovich
Ishay Weissman
Jan Beirlant
Session: Functional data analysis
Session organizer: Alfredas Račkauskas
Invited speakers:
Charles Suquet
Siegfried Hörmann
Elodie Brunel
Session: Multivariate statistics
Session organizer: Tõnu Kollo
Invited speakers:
Dietrich von Rosen
Ejaz Ahmed
Yuriy Kharin
Section: Applications
Session: Econometrics
Session organizer: Karim M. Abadir
Invited speakers:
Karim M. Abadir
Oliver Linton
Michael Wolf
Session: Insurance mathematics
Session organizer: Paul Embrechts
Invited speakers:
Stéphane Loisel
Mogens Steffensen
Ruodu Wang
Session: Random graphs
Session organizer: Michał Karonski
Invited speakers:
Mihyun Kang
Amin Coja-Oghlan
Jerzy Jaworski
Session: Random structures
Session organizer: Gőtz Kersting
Invited speakers:
Svante Janson
Igor Kortchemski
Ralph Neininger
Session: Financial mathematics
Session organizer: Yulia Mishura
Invited speakers:
Carlo Marinelli
Alexander Melnikov
Giulia Di Nunno
Session: Large network models and statistical inference
Session organizer: Andrei Raigorodski
Invited speakers:
Konstantin Avrachenkov
Andrei Leonidov
Andrei Raigorodski